These are all of the components of what you'll be doing in the program, this is a breakdown of what every highly successful student did:
+ Complete all 4 Pre-Training Modules, Plus all Bonus Modules
+ Attend the 2 Day Live Implementation Workshop
+ Build Your Opt In, VSL, OTO, and OC Pages in Your Funnel
+ Set Up Your Funnel Bot™
+ Drive 1,000+ Targeted Traffic/Clicks to Your Opt in w/ a 30%+ Optin Rate
Based on Your Category w/ a 5%+ Conversion:
+ Products: Create a Bundle of Products for $97+
+ Programs: Offer a Digital Program for $97+
+ Services: High Ticket? Create application to work with you
+ Get in Funnel Hacks Package from InVert Inc
+ Set Up Your Emails in Actionetics
+ Create Follow Up Systems in Actionetics
+ Do a Facebook Live About Your Offer
+ Complete Your Funnel Mapping Session
+ Follow any additional instructions given during your Funnel Mapping Session
+ Complete Your 60 Days of Funnel eCoaching
+ Your Funnel Earns $1,000 in Banked Revenue (Money in your bank)